Rabu, 09 September 2009

Anger, Sadness and depression

Ordinarily, anger is not bad. Ordinarily, anger is part of natural life, it comes and goes. But if yourepress it, then it become a problem. Then you go on accumulating it. Then it is not a question of coming and going, it becomes your very being. Then it is not that you are sometimes angry, you remain angry, you remain in rage, and you just wait for somebody to provoke it. Or even a hint of provocation, and you catch fire and you do things for which, later on, you will say "I did it in spite of myself".

Analyze ths expression, "in spite of myself". How can you do anything in spite of yourself ? But the expression is exactly right. Repressed anger becomes a temporary madness. Something happens that is beyond your control. if you could have controlled it you would have, but suddenly it was overflowing. Suddenly it was beyond you, you couldnt do anything, you felt helpless, and it came out. Such a person may not be angry, but he moves and lives in anger.

If you look at ppl... stand by the side of the road and just watch, and you will find two types of ppl. Just go on watching their faces. The whole of humanity is divided into two types of ppl.

One is the sad type, who will look very sad, dragging somehow. Another is the angry type, just bubbling with madness, ready to explode at any excuse.

Anger is active sadness; sadness is inactive anger. They are not two things.

Ordinary Anger is nothing wrong in it. In fact, ppl who can become angry and forget all about it in the next moment are really very good ppl. You will always find them friendly, alive, loving and compassionate. But ppl who are always holding onto their emotions, controlling and controlling (sometimes provoke others), are not good ppl.

There is nothing wrong in a momenttary flare-up of anger, it is beautiful in a way. It simply shows that you are still alive, not dead and you respond to situations and respond authentically.

Depression is a contemporary phenomenon and it has come into being because now there is no tomorrow.

If you are depressed, be depressed, don't do anything. What can you do ? Whatever you do will be done out of depression, so it will create more confusion. You can pray to God, but you will pray so depressingly .... but thats ok !!

So try this :

Whatsoever your state of mind, accept it and wait for when the state changes it self. You are not changing anything, you can feel the beauty that comes when your state of mind changes by itself....

You can knowthat it is just like the sun rising in the morning and then setting in the evening.... the states come and move and go...

Minggu, 06 September 2009

masuk golongan apakah dirimu di facebook..??

Masuk yg manakah diri kita??

Silaken di cek...

01.Manusia Super Update
Kapanpun dan dimanapun update status. Status nya ga panjang2 amat..tapi terlihat bikin risih, karena hal2 yang ga terlalu penting juga dia publikasikan contoh : "Lagi makan di restoran A..", "Dalam perjalanan menuju neraka..", "Saatnya baca koran..", dsb..

02.Manusia Melankolis
Biasanya dia curhat di status. Entah karena ingin banyak diberi komentar dari teman2nya atau hanya sekedar menuangkan unek2nya ke facebook, tapi biasanya orang tipe ini menceritakan kisahnya dan terkadang menanyakan solusi yg terbaik kepada yang laen.. contoh : "Kamu sakitin aku..lebih baik aku cari yang lain..", "Cuma kamu yang terbaik buat aku..terima kasih km sudah sayang ama aku selama ini..", dsb..

03.Manusia Tukang Ngeluh
Ga pagi, ga siang, ga malem, ga dikasih ujan, ga dikasih panas, ga dikasih uang, ga dikasih makan, pokonya semuanya dia keluhkan.. contoh : " Jakarta maceeet..!! Panas pula..", "Aaaargh ujan, padahal baru nyuci mobil..sialan.
.!!", "Males ngapa2in.. cape hati gara2 si do'i..", dsb..

04.Manusia Sombong
Mungkin beberapa dari mereka ga berniat menyombongkan diri, tapi terkadang orang yang melihatnya, yang notabene tidak bisa seberuntung dia, merasa kalo statusnya itu kelewat sombong, dan malah bikin sebel.. contoh : "Otw ke Paris ..!!", "BMW ku sayang, saatnya kamu mandi..aku mandiin ya sayang..", dsb..

05.Manusia Puitis
Dari judulnya udah jelas. Status nya selalu diisi dengan kata2 mutiara, tapi ga jelas apa maksudnya. Bikin kita terharu? Bikin kita sadar atas pesan tersembunyi nya? atau cuma sekedar memancing komentar? Sampai saat ini, tipe orang seperti ini masih dipertanyakan. . contoh : "Kita masing-masing adalah malaikat bersayap satu. Dan hanya bisa terbang bila saling berpelukan", "Mencintai dan dicintai adalah seperti merasakan sinar matahari dari kedua sisi", "Jika kau hidup sampai seratus tahun, aku ingin hidup seratus tahun kurang sehari, agar aku tidak pernah hidup tanpamu", dsb..

06..Manusia in English Tipe
manusianya bisa seperti apa saja, apakah melankolis, puitis, sombong dan sebagainya. Tapi dia berusaha lebih keren dengan mengatakannya dalam bahasa Inggwis Gicyu Low.. contoh : "Tie and Chair..", "I can tooth, you Pink sun.." dsb.. Kira2 seperti itu lah..sebenernya masih banyak lagi dalam pikiran..tapi keburu mau berangkat..kapan2 diterusin ya...hehe.. Mudah2an ga ada yang tersinggung. .just 4 fun kok..

07. alay... updatenya gaul2....
dan bahasa dewa.. ejaan yang dialaykan.. contoh.." met moulnin all.. pagiiieh yg cewrah... xixiixi" << lol~

08. obsesi... ngarep...
tp ga kesampaian.. pengen jd artis ga dapat2.. dll.. contoh : :duwh.... sesi pemotretan lagi! cape...

09. Sok tau.. sotoy tenarnya..
contoh : pemerintah selalu memanjakan rakyatnya... bla..bla...bla. .. pdahal ga taw apa yang ditulis..

10. bioskop mania..
update film yang abis ditonton dan kasih comment.. contoh : ICE AGE 3..REcomended! !

11. tipe pedagang
contoh: "jual sepatu bla bla bla"

12. tipe penyuluh masyarakat
contoh: "jangan lupa dateng ke TPS, 5 menit utk 5 tahun bla..bla"

13. Pengguna Facebook Tipe Kaskuser baru online 'PERTAMAXXXX GAN!'...
5 menit lagi 'kalo berkenan cendolnya donk gannn'.... 1 jam lagi 'aduh sial gagal pertamax di trid sendiri'.... .. beberapa jam lagi 'YES GW UDAH ISO2000', trus nawarin 'bagi2 cendol gratiss di kaskus ngerayain ISO ' kalo online pagi 'pagi2 enaknya ngaskus gan!', 'tidur telat bangun pagi2 nyalain komputer ngaskus lagi' Dan masukan lain yang tentunya jadi status of the year..

14.Manusia Alay …(nggak jelas maunya apa).
Ada berbagai macam versi, dari tulisannya yang aneh, atau tulisannya biasa aja, hanya saja kosakata nya ga lazim..ato mungkin ada yg fusion..
Alay 1 : "DucH Gw4 5aYan9 b6t s4ma Lo...7aNgaN tin69aL!n akYu ya B3!bh..!!"
Alay 2 : "km mugh kog gag pernach ngabwarin aq lagee seech? kmuw maseeh saiangs sama aq gag seech sebenernywa? "
Alay 3 : "Ouh mY 9oD..!! kYknY4w c gW k3ReNz 48ee5h d3ch..!!" (Khusus buat tipe ini, ga usah di baca juga gpp..saya pribadi juga mikir dulu buat nulis ini, walaupun jadinya kurang mirip sama yg aslinya..)

15.Tipe Hidden Message (1 lagi yg kepikiran ama saya gan..)
Tipe ini biasanya ga to the point, tapi tentunya punya niat biar orang yg dituju membaca nya..bagus2 kalo baca..kalo ngga? kelamaan nunggu, padahal langsung aja sms ya.. contoh : "For you my M***, I can't live without you..you are my bla bla bla..", "Heh, cewe bajingan..ngapain lo deket2in co gw?! kyk ga laku aja lo.." <<< (padahal ce tersebut ga jadi friend nya..mana bisa baca..)

16.Tipe Misterius Tipe yang biasanya bikin banyak orang bertanya tanya atas apa maksud dari status orang tersebut.. Biasanya dalam suatu kalimat membutuhkan Subjek + Predikat + Objek + Keterangan..
Tapi orang tipe ini mungkin hanya mengambil beberapa atau malah hanya 1 saja..
Dan pastinya mengundang kontroversi. .
contoh :
"Sudahlah.." ,
"Telah berakhir.." <<< (apanya??),
"Termenung.. ."


Healing is more than a physical experience. Healing means coming into wholeness by simplifying our thought, finding peace within the circumstances we face, and opening our deep thoughts, hearts and spirits to mend our disconnections from the essence off life... LOVE !!!

Love is the energy of the spirit, the great mystery, God, the source off all life and beyond, that is meant to blossom our life.

Our healing is a continuing process, as our phisical health waxes and wanes and our mental and emotional well-being rises and falls. Healing means we become more aware of when we feel off-balance and then become equally present to the practices and shifts in behaviour and attitude that returns us to balance. Balance is obtained only when our life is in alignment with our inner still point.

Our mental and EMOTIONAL HEALING comes from rebalancing our thoughts and feelings to be in touch with our wisdom mind rather than our self-critic. Through this process we become more aware of the true power and presence we posses. We recognize thatwe are completely safe and have the authority to be fully engaged in our life journey.

Our spiritual healing or emotional healing comes from opening our deep heart to love, joy and meaning, which allow us to love all and serve all.

All healing is a process of waking to our innate goodness, our potential and our means of living a complete and fulfilling life.

Healing is what we are all doing - all the days of our life...

good luck :)